Privacybunker seeks to re-imagine how privacy works for website users and online businesses. We are building a modern automation service that makes privacy simple for everyone. security highlights

Privacybunker service is built with strict privacy and security principles:

  1. Personal data protection by design and by default
  2. Encryption in motion and encryption in storage
  3. Personal data minimization
  4. Audit of sensitive operation
  5. Critical data segregation
  6. GDPR compliant logging
  7. Strong multi-tenancy
  8. Schrems II compliance

As an example, when a user fetches his records using one of the SaaS or Database connectors, for example from HubSpot or Mailchimp, Privacybunker does not save this result. Personal record extracted is displayed to the user and removed from memory, complying with personal data minimization of the GDPR requirement.

In the backend, is using a hardened version of the open-source project built by the company founders:

Why do customers love our service?

Multiple GDPR compliance solutions in one comprehensive service

Privacybunker consolidates several tools under one unified service that makes your website GDPR compliant by all means. Among them:

  • Advanced GDPR compliant cookie banner with built-in end-user privacy controls.
  • A one-click tool to extract, delete or anonymize personal data from internal databases.
  • Data Privacy Officer (DPO) management console.
  • A one-click tool to extract or delete personal data from SAAS products.
  • Daily GDPR violations scanner ensures that any change made on your website is checked.

Fast and easy onboarding

One half-an-hour Zoom call and 3 simple steps are enough to get your website GDPR compliant. The setup process itself includes custom website plugin installation; access token approval (HubSpot, ActiveCampaign, etc…); light UI make-over, for example, custom logo addition.

We keep personal data at a minimum

When a user’s personal report is generated, for example after connecting to HubSpot or MySQL, Privacybunker does not store the result in its internal database. A personal report is displayed to the user and then right away is removed from the memory. This way we comply with GDPR personal data minimization requirement.

Optional approval for user requests

The system can be easily configured to send notifications upon users' personal data change requests or users' deletion requests. CISO or a company Data Privacy Officer (DPO) is notified and is able to approve the changes.

Seamless integration

We support a big range of SaaS and DB services used by SME and enterprise companies. New services are added on a weekly basis. We can also develop a custom plugin for your needs.

Affordable prices and human support

Our service is affordable for startups, SMB, SME, or enterprise customers. We have a very simple pricing model. We employ the best practices available and are always monitoring the GDPR infringement cases.

No business disruptions

Our solution is deployed alongside existing technologies that companies are using without causing any business disruptions.

No vendor locking

You can easily export personal records from Privacybunker and import the records into a regular database.

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